Last decision-making meeting of SAICM before 2020 - ICCM4


#chemicals & waste #SAICM #SDGs #sustainable development

The fourth Session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM4) convened from 28 September - 2 October 2015, in Geneva, Switzerland. It marked a major milestone as it was the last decision-making meeting in the context of the The Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) scheduled to take place before 2020.

Stakeholders were invited to make full use of the Conference to identify the remaining challenges and adopt strategic decisions to enable the international community to achieve the 2020 goal of the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation and to maintain momentum until ICCM5 in 2020.

IICM4 adopted an omnibus resolution on emerging policy issues (EPIs), as well as separate resolutions on highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs), the overall orientation and guidance (OOG), the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020, and the activities of the Secretariat and budget.

In the coming years stakeholders are expected to discuss and negotiate on a new framework of sound management on chemical s and wastes beyond 2020 on top of implementation of SAICM resolutions. Association 3 Herissons look forward to a productive discussion.

For more details please refer to SAICM official website and ENB report.

SAICM official website

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