Rapport d'activité 2017


January 13, 2018 Activity Report 2017 - Association 3 Herissons

1. Action taken

January - May:

  • Design of the syllabus for the "Nature Courses for Children and Youth", with a focused preparation on the Modules of "Nature Conservation" and "Nature Interaction" aiming at nurturing the harmonious relationship between human and nature for children and youth" (syllabus is available online[1])


  • President Li Yedan (Ginger) and Camille Chanlair participated in a field-activity week organized by the local NGO Passion Nature Ventoux with the school of Aubignan held in the city of Sault. The theme was on general nature conservation, biodiversity, environment pollution, climate change and sustainable development.
  • This allowed the exchange of information with Passion Nature Ventoux, the teachers and the students of the school of Aubignan. We would like to thank Daniel and Louis for their kindness.


  • Camille created an Excel spreadsheet with the common species of fauna and flora in Mont Ventoux and Sault to create an educational directory for future nature education events.
  • Ginger planned with the LikeTry Group in China for a nature discovery and environmental education visit in Provence in August.


  • Association 3 Hérissons held a nature discovery and environmental education trip on Sault and Mont Ventoux for a group of children and their chaperons from China. Ginger introduced the rich biodiversity and nature preservation effort in this area, emphasizing the importance of a harmonious and sustainable relationship between human being and nature. A big thank you to Louis of Passion Nature for guiding us in the trails of Sault. Many thanks also to Rei (Greenpeace East Asia) for coming and sharing her knowledge of plants, flora and biodiversity with children.


  • Association 3 Hérissons started to collaborate with local schools of Mazan to teach classes about environmental protection on regular basis, starting from anthrophonic pollution. The cases of heavy metal pollution (like Minamata disease & Itai-Itai disease) as well as world heritage sites in France were highlighted during the first several classes of September. Through this experience the modules of "Nature Conservation" and "Nature Interaction" which aim to nurture the harmonious relationship between human and nature for youth and children were further polished.
  • Association 3 Hérissons attended the "Växjö Food 2017" in Sweden to observe a public conference on agenda 2030. Very interesting conference about circular economy, agriculture and sustainable life style. And we were amaze by the "Green interest" of Swedish people!
  • Association 3 Hérissons went to Portugal to attend the conference Mayor and Water which was co-organize by the EU and Portugal Government. It's interesting to learn about a new logical way to think about water consumption and water pollution for a better resource management.


  • Association 3 Hérissons attended the conference Our Ocean de 2017[2] . It's impressive to communicate with stakeholders and learn more on ocean conservation. We focused on the topics of biodiversity, plastics, marine pollution, sustainable fishery and climate change.
  • Ginger visited the Chinese Embassy in Paris for a first meeting with officials to evaluate the possibility to organize a cultural exchange activity between France and China on nature conservation and sustainable development for youth and children. The meeting went well; it will required a lot of time and effort to get real! Wish her luck!!


  • Association 3 Hérissons went to the conference "Plastique dans l'ocean, que pouvons nous faire?" organize by l'IFREMER in Paris. Conference and photo exhibition, great insight about micro-plastic and its terrible consequences once released into the environment.
  • Association 3 Hérissons participated a monthly Mont Ventoux environmental protection meeting with local NGOs and authorities (reserve de biosphere du Mont Ventoux). Cases of touristic impact on wildlife, wolf reintroduction, road renovation and its impact on environment were discussed. Camille and Julien (from another NGO) are now in charge of the sub-working group on risk control of chemical pollution (nitrate, radioactivity, mercury and copper).


  • Association 3 Hérissons went to the conference and training Conference-formation "Polluants Chimiques du Quotidien" which was kindly organised by the Picardie Region[3]. There were discussion around chemical (e.g. POPs, lead, mercury), e-waste, plastic pollution, as well as pollutants in consumer products. Big thanks to Bertrand for the invitation.
  • Mid December, Association 3 Hérissons organized the second annual meeting with all its regular members. It was held in Carpentras in the "Maison des associations" (NGO conference hall). A big recap has been shown to everyone by Isabelle and Ginger, with future project being discussed. Members were particularly interested in improvement of the modules "Nature Conservation" and "Nature Interaction" which aim to nurture the harmonious relationship between human and nature for youth and children. Big thanks to Maria for the organization.

2. Planned Activities but did not Happen

  • A small guide document on the local environment: lack of time, funding and human resource.

3. Future Projects in Plan

  • It was decided to organize more nature education group trips in summer 2018 - An idea of ​​Education through visiting eco-farm was raised. A farm is to be identified in Vaucluse.
  • The President and another staff will travel to China to attend educational conferences and participate in education trainings with relevance to nature conservation and sustainable development.
  • Association 3 Hérissons will further improve the modules of "Nature Conservation" and "Nature Interaction" which aim to nurture the harmonious relationship between human and nature for youth and children through lectures.
  • Association 3 Hérissons will start to design an introductory course for teachers on United Nations, sustainable development, and global policy mechanisms.
  • Association 3 Hérissons will attend meetings with organizations specialized in nature conservation to create new partnership.
  • Association 3 Hérissons staffs will be trained to take better care of young people without their chaperons.

[1] https://3herissons.webnode.fr/courses/

[2] https://ourocean2017.org

[3] https://cpie-picardie.org/cpie/Content.aspx?ID=164271

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